Shipping Status List 202106
Dispatch completed
[20210617 - 20210621] 「雛」 T恤 M尺寸
Scheduled to be Shipped: middle of July, 2021
Dispatch completed
[20210617 - 20210621] 「雛」 T恤 女士L尺寸
Scheduled to be Shipped: middle of July, 2021
Dispatch completed
[20210617 - 20210621] 「雛」 T恤 女士M尺寸
Scheduled to be Shipped: middle of July, 2021
Dispatch completed
[20210608 - 20210712] "花咲雅活动两周年纪念" 以花咲雅为创作灵感 原创丝带挂坠
Scheduled to be Shipped: Late October~Late November 2021
Dispatch completed
[20210619 - 20210704] "HOLOSTARS 2周年纪念" T恤 女士L尺寸
Scheduled to be Shipped: First half of August 2021